The U.S. is a world leader in production of food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical drugs, and the manufacturing and exportation of these products drives a large portion of the economy. Research and development prior to manufacturing is also a significant process, of which 17% of U.S. pharmaceuticals profits were spent on. Research and development leads to manufacturing, which leads to selling and exporting, so the whole process is quite complex and highly streamlined, especially for larger corporations. The average sales of the U.S. food and beverage manufacturing industry increased 13% between 2012 and 2013 and this caused a 17% increase in net profits. This helps the U.S economy, but since so much of this product is being exported around the world, it also causes global markets to be more reliant on each other, and can contribute to global environmental concerns.
The process of food production involves equipment such as a sanitary diaphragm pump, chemical drum pumps, electric drum pumps, and AODD pumps. Sanitary diaphragm pumps are used extensively in the dairy industry for transferring raw materials, mixing, processing and sampling, and can process liquids like milk as well as soft solids such as yogurt, cream cheese and ice cream. AODD pump stands for air operated double diaphragm, and is used for liquids across the beverage production industry and is meant to be completely hygienic. Many types of sanitary diaphragm pumps make it possible to produce large quantities of food and beverage safely and expediently.
An industry that uses the sanitary diaphragm pump is soft drinks manufacturers, whose annual sales are about $60 billion. The nutraceuticals corporation, which manufactures nutritional supplements and vitamins in bulk is worth $142.1 billion and is growing at a rate of 6.3% per year. Another big generator of revenue is the cosmetics industry, which is worth about $56.63 billion. All of these processes require intense quality control, which is costly, but still their revenues are very high, which shows the success of U.S. products abroad.
One downside of the globalized trade industry is its affect of the environment, with so much transportation of food, chemicals and other products; global trade contributed to levels of emissions in the atmosphere, as well as many manufacturing plants using non-renewable energy, and relying on shipping hubs that pollute the ocean. The global manufacturing system, and therefore the global economy, is based on non-renewable resources. Water is a valuable and often scarce resource, and demand for it is expected to grow between 2010 and 2030. With droughts around the world being more common, areas with less access to water may suffer. Water technology exported by the U.S. is worth around $2.7 billion, and water treatment around the world is very important.
As a significant manufacturer and exporter in the global market, the U.S. should to be a positive example of the best way to do business in the modern world, and perhaps invest some profits in more renewable energy sources for U.S. manufacturing and distribution. For more, read this link.