As a kid you probably remember swatting at all bees and running away, afraid that you would get stung by these little, yellow and black bugs. While some of honey bees do sting, most of the time these insects are too busy to preoccupy themselves with humans. In fact, honey bees spend all of their time focused on pollinating flowers, producing honey and being a contributing member of their beehive. Rather than concerning ourselves with whether or not a honey bees will sting us, we should focus on all the good honey bees do for our species. They should be a treasured and cared for insect instead of one that is feared or killed.
Whether or not you?ll come to love honey bees, you can still respect them for the hard work they put in. Keep reading to find out 3 things you probably didn?t know about honey bees and the honey they produce in their lifetime.
1. They produce a small amount of honey in their lifetime
The next time you see a honey bees, consider its task. With each individual American consuming somewhere around 1.3 pounds of honey per year, honey bees have to move quickly and efficiently to keep up with our demand. No matter how much pure organic royal jelly honey bees consume to stay strong, they usually don?t produce more than one twelfth a teaspoon of honey during their life. That means, 12 honey bees will create a teaspoon of honey. Think of the number of honey bees it takes to feed one human 1.3 pounds each year.
If a honey bees could produce one pound of honey, they would have to fly around the globe 3 times to do so equaling 90,000 miles flying.
2. They pollinate our flowers
While creating the organic honey we enjoy and organic royal jelly, honey bees are also pollinating the flowers. In doing so, they help our crops and wild plants thrive. For instance, as pollinators, they help 30 percent of our crops and 90 percent of wild plants stay alive. All-in-all, across the United States each year, bee pollen pollinate more than $15 million in crops.
Their bee pollen is also food for young honey bees. It?s a healthy nutrient for the bees since it is rich in amino acids and 40 percent protein. Each pellet of this pollen has around 2 million grains of flower pollen.
3. Honey production brings in money in the United States
If done the right way, beekeeping can produce bulk honey and organic royal jelly in a safe way. You need the right beekeeping equipment and beekeeping tools to make sure that no honey bees are harmed during such honey production. Beekeeping has become more popular over the years. Not only has the retail price doubled since 2006, but also the number of colonies has increased. There were more colonies managed by human beekeepers in 2014 than it has been in the past two decades. In that same year, the number of honey bees colonies reached 2.7 million in the United States. The state that leads the way is North Dakota. In 2013, North Dakota produced 33 million pounds of honey.
If you are interested in beekeeping or purchasing honey or organic royal jelly that has been produced without harming honey bees, make sure to do your research. Have you ever tried beekeeping? Let us know in the comments what your experience with honey bees is.