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Is Cold-Pressed Juice Just a Fad, Or is it the Next Wave in Juicing?


Cold pressed juice delivery

Surprisingly, nine out of every ten Americans are not eating enough vegetables. Experts recommend that people consume more than two cups of vegetables every day, citing studies that indicate the health benefits of vegetables. Many vegetables are mostly water, which experts say can help fight wrinkles, sun damage, and pollution, all of which can damage people’s skin over time.

Recent studies also suggest that eating enough vegetables may also help lower the risk of developing some forms of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. And since many Americans ingest sodium (salt) well in excess of the recommended limits, proper hydration from vegetable sources may help remove extra salt from our bodies.

Some people prefer to drink their vegetables, citing higher nutrient content and antioxidant levels in organic juice made from raw vegetables. Carrots, beets, celery, ginger, and even garlic are all popular ingredients; enthusiasts report improved digestion, skin health, and heart function. Some juice drinkers even replace meals with juice drinks for an “organic juice cleanse,” or a fast that can last up to a week.

Among juicers, there is an ongoing discussion about the most effective way to extract juice — and nutrients — from vegetables. Some people prefer to eschew traditional centrifuge-style juicers in favor of cold pressed juice. Cold presses turn vegetables into pulp, which is then strained.

Where centrifuge-style machines may heat the juice as part of the liquefying and straining process, proponents of cold pressed juice report that pulping the juice and then straining it –without heat — allows the juice to last longer and improves the nutritional content overall. A juice delivery service may offer both methods of preparation, depending upon how quickly the juice is likely to be consumed.

A juice delivery service may also be able to advise interested clients about all of the different combinations of juice that they can order. In the winter months, the addition of a small amount of ginger or garlic to a juice can provide some extra protection against coughs and colds, enthusiasts report. In the summer, many juicers choose to add local, edible flowers into their juice for an unexpected flavor.

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