You’ve never been one of those people who posts pictures of your food on social media sites. Heck, you have never even reposted someone else’s recipes that looks delicious. In the past, you have always just searched the internet or your old fashioned recipe card box for something that looks good when you needed a dish to take to a party. If your daughters continue on this latest trend of theirs, however, you may need to start collecting recipes with hummus spread. the girls have started the new year a little hummus happy!
Providing healthy amounts of protein, recipes with hummus spread have been encouraging your daughters to eat more vegetables. The new neighbor had a New Year’s Eve party that had a buffet table of snacks your girls couldn’t get enough of. While you have had fresh guacamole dips, Greek yogurt dips, and fresh salsa dips before, the night of the party the girls acted like they had never been offered anything except soda and chips at home. Swallowing your pride, you pretended that these party snacks were indeed the most tasty and healthy foods you had ever had.
No use arguing, right? If your teenagers and college age kids want to act like they invented healthy snacking, you ask them if they can get a hold of some of the recipes with hummus spread that your “too cool” neighbor served. If taking a back seat to your neighbor gets your girls to quit eating the sugary desserts, you can be amazed and excited about the healthier snacks your daughters are requesting, even though you have been eating mashed chick peas your whole life!
Studies show that eating beans, also known as legumes, at least four times a week has some real health benefits. When compared to eating legumes less than once a week, the four times a week recommendation is associated with a 22% lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). In addition this recommended consumption of legumes may also create an 11% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Other healthy numbers associated with hummus consumption include:
- a smaller waist circumference
- a higher healthy eating index number
- lower body mass index
One of the reason that recipes with hummus spread are so popular right now is that you can get an entire week’s requirements of legumes for a week simply by eating a mere two spoonfuls of hummus. What are you serving yourself and your family for snacks after school and before bed? If you have been watching your children eat sugary snacks and drink soda, maybe it is time to see what the healthy neighbors are eating!